
How can we make our city a better place to live?

poleca 87% 102 głosów


We all complain about the living conditions in our cities. We charge the goverment for traffic-jams, polluted water and air, noise at nights. We see the problems like vandals, dangerous places, smog from factories but we do not do anything about it. Without our reaction it is not possible to change anything.

Problems connected with pollution are common in the cites. We need to work with the goverment to get some result. People should get involved in recycling schemes so there will be less rubbish to pollute enviroment. Moreover people in power can force factories to put filters on chimneys not to pollute atmosphere. It depends on us if mills will use enviromental friendly production methods. When we stop using prodducts of companies whose factories cause pollution as a result they will be forced to change their methods.

Many people complain on traffic-jams, smog caused by cars or noise of big trucks during the night.To avoid jams we should do something to improve public transport. If the buses or trains were comfortable , people would use them not cars. Consequently we can bann cars in the centers what will make our cities safer and cleaner. Still we have noise left, the only thing we can do is to prohibit trucks in cities.
However not only pollution or cars is the problem. Another complaint of bigger towns and cities are vandals. Their existance is only our fault. We do not react when we are wittneses of vandalism or gangs activity. People are afraid and they think that noone can handle with the social margin. They are wrong, with our help the police can fight with those who makes our cities dangerous. We can take some actions connected with monitoring dangerous places, what will make our towns safer.

Those mentioned problems are not all we have in the cites. There are still left pickpocketing, drug dillers, thieves, mugging and many more. Luckily I think that for every problem there is a sollution. We just have to admitt that we have problems in our towns and try to do something about them.

350 słów

słownik alfabetyczny trudniejszych słówek: (bo pewnie cię zapyta)

activity – działalność
admitt- przyznać
avoid – uniknąć czegoś
bann- zakazać czegoś
charge- obwiniać kogoś za coś
chimney- komin
comfortable - wygodne
complain- skarżyć się
complaint- bolączka, problem
common- powszechne, częste
connected – związane z czymś
consequently- konsekwentnie
depend- zależy
enviroment- środowisko
enviromental friendly – przyjazne środowisku
existance- istnienie
force- zmusić kogoś do czegoś
get involved- włączyć się w coś
goverment – rząd
handle- dać sobie radę, obchodzić się z czymś
however- jednakże
improve- polepszyć
jams –korki, zatory
less- mniej
living conditions – warunki życia
luckily- na szczęście
mentioned- wspomniane, zauważone
mills- fabryki
moreover- ponadto
mugging- pobicia z wymuszeniem
people in power – ludzie przy władzy
pickpocketing- kieszonkowcy
prohibit – zakazać czegoś
recycling schemes – recykling odpadów
rubbish – śmieci
social margin- margines społeczny
sollution - rozwiązanie
take action- podjąć działania
thieves- złodzieje
traffic-jams –korki drogowe
truck- ciężarówka
wittnes- świadek
vandals- wandale
vandalism - wandalizm

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