
List opowiadający o przestępstwie (kradzieży, morderstwie) po angielsku

poleca 85% 106 głosów


Dear Elvis!

In this letter, I will tell you an interesting story about what happened last night. When we were returning home from the party we saw a fat bloody man who ran with a big, bloody spoon. We were shocked because the man had a woman's head attached to a hook on his pants and his mouth was filled with ham. He was screaming "I don't want to eat your face!".

When the fat man escaped we saw two people lying on the ground. We quickly ran away, and we saw an old man who had thirteen knife wounds, There was a weird object on the ground. We didn't realize that it was a human because it didn't have a head. We were the only people around, so my friend, Maciek called the police and an ambulance.

When the police arrived we were told that it was a robbery. Two older people, were murdered, and had their money stolen. The old woman had very expensive earrings with her, so the killer cut off her head. The thief stole the old man's wallet and the old lady's earrings.

About two hours after the police arrived at the scene, the murderer was caught. It turned out that the man was insane. He was also black. When the police carried him into the car, he screamed "You remind me of my mother... I ate her!". I think that I will be traumatized for the rest of my life. Also, I will always eat soup with a fork.

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