
Opinion essay - zasady pisania i przykład: books are better than films based on them

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Opinion essay
State opinion about the topic and introduce it briefly
2.Main body
-Arguments supporting your view
-Giving the opposite viewpoint and reasons
Restate your opinion using different words

Books are much better than the films based on them. At leats that's what I think. And I believe most people would agree because the list of supporting arguments is long.
The main argument is that the books are the originals and something merely based on them can't be better. Moreover, the stimulate your imaginaton and give you more space to create your own view of the characters. They are also more detailde and can focus not only on the main plot but the side threads too.
On the other hand some people happen to like the films more. They suppoert their opinion with arguments saying, for example, that films have music which gives you additional thrill and a rush of emotions. They are also shorter, more colourful and draw you in the same way books do, so they don't bore you with long, dull nature descriptions.
To sum it up, I still think that books are more entertaining than films. They also help you learn how to correctly use you langueage.While films also happen to be quite wonderful, with great acting and screenplay, I thing they are just a nice extra after reading the book.

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