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Nutrition is a study of food and its impact on our body. Researchers are trying to find out what chemicals in food nourish our body. There is 50 total nutrients, but we know and understand only 18 of it.

Carbohydrates are used as the best source of energy, proteins make amino acids which are needed for our body. Function of proteins is make new body protein (like bones, muscles, tisane, hair, skin, nails etc.). And finally fat, which is the most hazardous nutrient. It leads us to a heart disease, and it’s easy laid down as fat. On the other hand, fat is a concentrated form of energy, it’s more filling and is isolating the body. Fat also protects our organs, and caries vitamins A, D, E and K.

And if we are talking about vitamins we shouldn’t omit vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which is very fragile and is being destroyed by heat, air, copper and iron cookware. Vitamin C is the most important vitamin of all. It makes collagen, produces stress hormones, increase iron absorption and immunity, blocks nitrates. It also helps hold together cell tissue, resist infection, works with calcium, it speeds healing, helps not to bruise, and strength teeth gems. The best source of vitamin C are citrus fruits, potato and broccoli.

Other vitamins like B, A, D, E and K help body release energy, deposit calcium, help blood clot, protect cell membrane from oxygen damage and helps with high blindness. We should remember that vitamin D is the most toxic of all vitamins, and we shouldn’t overdose it.
Healthy food also provides our body into minerals like calcium, which builds and renews teeth and bones; iron- an essential part of red blood; sodine which helps thyroid work growth/ energy; zinc used for growth and for strong immune system; selenium preventing cancer, and potassium balancing blood pressure.

The best sources of vitamins and minerals are fruits and vegetables, but also meat and fish in right amount.
Eat healthy food and live longer :)

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