
My closest friend - Michael, opis przyjaciela

poleca 86% 101 głosów


Michael has been my close friend for donkey's years. I first met him probably in the primary school. We got the same fads then. Since that time nothing has changed - we have the same interests and spend plenty of time together.
Michael is a very handsome but scruffy young man. He is of average height, with an athletic silhouette. He has a pale and smooth complexion covered with freckles and ginger, curly hair. He looks a bit like Ron Weasley from Harry Potter's film. He doesn't really care about appearance especially in terms of clothing. Most of his stuff is from second-hand shops and that is why he looks extremely eccentric.
As for his personality, the most striking feature of Michael is his openness. He gets on well with everybody. He is an incurable optimist - always in a good mood. Even the biggest problems are like water off a duck's back for him. He just doesn't know how it is to be worried. He also tends to be stubborn - once he had made a decision, nothing can change his mind.
Michael usually seems to be busy. He is interested in almost everything! He vastly wants to try new things - he is fond on travels, sports, new technologies, books, films, animals and so on.
By and large it's amazing to have a friend like Michael. I look up to him. I am sure that no one can be bored with someone like he.

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