
Active lifestyle- benefits and drawbacks

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Nowadays spending free time in a active way is becoming more and more popular among people at each age. The active lifestyle is connected with a certain level of exercises and fitness, which brings many benefits and drawbacks.
One major advantage of it is that we can improve our health condition. Thanks to exercises we are able to control our weight, reduce risk of many heart diseases and strengthen our bones and muscles. In addition, chances of living longer are increased, which allows people to experience more of the things that the world has to offer. What is more,when people are active, the activity of their brain is stimulated. It leads them to be more attentive and they tend to have more energy.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages. First of all, leading an active form of life, we need to discipline ourselves, which can make people struggle with that kind of life style. Furthermore, it may require changing our habits- it might be very difficult and unnecessary specially for elderly people. Not knowing our limits and because of the wrong activity plan, which should match our abilities, we might suffer from many injuries such as the twisted knee, stretched muscles and joint or spine injury.
To conclude, active lifestyle has its bad and good sides. It improves our body shape, physical and mental health, as well as, our mood but taking up some kind of sport we need to remember about the risk of injuries connected with it.

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