
Consonants vs vowels

poleca 85% 119 głosów


Letter y, especially at the end of words is always pronounced like Y In the word myth!
It’s very important because vowels occurring at the end of a word are inflectional endings, that is, they indicate the syntactical (which means that in sentence we know that one word relates to the other because of the concord of forms), function of the word.
Compare and read:
Singular masculine Singular Famine Singular neuter
Dobry student (good Male student) dobra studentka(good female student) dobre dziecko(good child)

The deceptive consonants:
Hissing/ buzzing Rustling/whirring Calming/soft
S Sz ś/si
Z ż/rz ź/zi
C Cz ć/ci
Dz Dż Dź/dzi

Ok when do we use the two letters calming/soft consonants?
The variant with the letter i is used when this soft consonant occurs before a vowel, e.g.
Dzień – Day
Cieszyć się – to be happy
Wiedzieć – to know
The variant with the accent Mark is used when the sound occurs AT the end of a Word Or before another consonant, e.g.
Cześć – Hi
Gość – guest
Być – to be

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