
Unemployment, homelessness, handicapped

poleca 89% 101 głosów


Friendship, Families, Education, Home, Money, Jobs, Holidays, Dreams... All people want all or some of these things. But sometimes this doesn't happen. Sometimes life is brutal.

Unemployment is a very serious problem in Poland. An unemployment rate grows rapidly. Being unemployed these days is not a shame. In the face of rapid technological progress and economic changes, people are often made redutant. Polish politician open vocational guidance and give social assistance, but they should reform taxes.

In countries all over the world, there are more and more people, who have no homes. We may meet them everywhere we go. In big cities, they live in parks, under buildings. Many people, who have great education and are well prepared for some job, cannot find it at all. Although they are well-educated, they are not able to earn their livings.

The world is also full of disabled people. We should give them perspective to have got a normal life, education, job and all what we have got. They are just like we, they have the same dreams. We must respect theis people because the same can hit you.

To sum up, I think that we should help those, who are in worse situation. Perhaps we will need helps of them in the future.

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