
"Advantages and disadvantages of being a child of famous parents" - rozprawka typu za i przeciw

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Many children wish their parents were famous singers or actors rather than teachers or clerks. They believe that being a child of celebrated parents has many advantages. That is true, but we need to remember that it has also some drawbacks.

To start with, having famous parents involves having a lot of money. Almost always celebrated people earn a lot, for example singers or important politicians. As a result, you can spend money like water on anything you want.
Secondly, living in a far-famed family enables you to meet other celebrities. As a child of famous actress you are often invited to pompous parties and you can spend your time with extraordinary people.

On the other hand, the most important disadvantage of being a child of someone famous is having difficulties in making friends. Other “ordinary” peers can be jealous of your situation and do not want to hang out with you. And even if you already have friends, you do not know whether they really like you or just want to make a profit on your family’s fame and money.
Moreover, fame means no private life. You have to put up with being followed by paparazzi and the fact that if you do something inappropriate in public place, next day you will read about that on a gossip-website or in a tabloid.

Fame and benefits connected with it are one of the most common dreams nowadays. Nevertheless, even if your parents were celebrated, your life would still have drawbacks. Because every human life has some.

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