
NATIONAL STEREOTYPES (e.g. Poles are hospitable) Do you think there is anything true about them?

poleca 85% 169 głosów


The stereotypes are fixed opinions or believes of type of person, or thing or nationality. I don’t think if they are all true, but in my opinion there is a little true in stereotypes (like in each fairy story), directly they rise. Thanks stereotypes we can know something about culture, manners in some countries. But they rose much time ago, so they could be out of date. I’m sure that we can’t evaluate somebody well or bad because of his (or her) nationality. Everybody has an individual character. According to the stereotypes all occupants of a country will be the same but it’s not that so. Germans are believed to be very punctual. It is thought that, they like drinking a lot of beer, they like order and tidiness and that they are well organized. People believe that French are very romantic people, and that they like eating frogs and snails. Italians are described as very open, noisy and handsome people. It is believed that family is very important for Italian people and they are keen on eating pizza. People think that British like drinking tea, specially at 5‘o clock p.m. It’s believed that they are cold and reserved and also talk about weather. They are keen on wearing bouler hat and that they always have an umbrella. Japanese are said to be a workaholics. Polish are thought not to be tolerant. People believe that we are very religious, hospitable and that we drink a lot of alcohol. All the stereotypes mentioned are result of tradition and culture at particular nations. Each country has its good and bed features and not always the stereotypes match the relativity.

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