

poleca 86% 101 głosów


I remember that when I was a small boy, about four, my cousin used to take me to the local playground. He was a bit older than me, and he used to look after me while I was on the swing or on the slide. One afternoon I went out with him after tea and I was sitting on one of the swings with my teddy bear. While I was swinging and talking to Teddy I realized that my brother disappeared and there was no one else in the playground. I was alone. Suddenly I saw a big fierce dog sniffing around the swings when I was going backwards than towards it started barking at me. I burst in tears, I was screaming and I got in a terrible shock. I climbed up the swing and was waiting until someone helped me. I was sitting there. It as getting darker and darker. After a while I saw my Dad running towards me, waving with a big stick and shouting at the dog, the beast run away. My father took me in his arms. Since then I’ve always been very careful with dogs. In spite of the fact I was very small and it was many years ago. I shall never forget that fierce dog and I can clearly recall my father charsing after the dog. I will always remember that horrifying event because I was scared to death. When I was a child I used to do nothing. I only played with my sister and brother all the time. We had many ideas and we were never bored. It was wonderful time when we were small children we had our own world without any problems and worries. I would like everyone to have such exciting childhood as mine was.

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