
It is wrong to kill animals for their fur. Do you agree?

poleca 85% 297 głosów


I agree with statement that it is wrong to kill animals only because we want have warm fur on cold winter.
First of all I think that it is cruel to kill animals. Those one which have beautiful fur are kept in closed territory in bad conditions or if they are free they have to take care of oneself and always live in fear of killing by people. They have short and unhappy lives.
Maybe animal fur is warm and attractive but I think that man-made materials are equal pretty like furs. People can do artificial leather - materials almost the same looking like natural. It is very cheaper and animals don’t have to suffer. Man-made materials can be less durable but I think that it’s better than harming animals.
It shouldn’t have place in the civilized world in the twenty-first century. We can replace natural fur with other kind of materials. We should think about animals which are suffering for us. In my mind fur looks more beautiful on animal, not on humans. If people will still kill animal it’s possible that they will be dying out. Some animals that are hunted for fur are endangered species.
I met people with thinks that there is nothing better than natural fur. For them more important is theirself lucky, than suffering animals. They think that wearing fur is natural and they have been wearing it for thousands of years and they won’t stop. But in my opinion by all this years a lot of animals died and it’s wrong! We should stop it!
To sum it up I think that it’s wrong to kill animals for their fur. Wearing expensive coat of natural fur isn’t the most important. We’re not alone in this world. We should protect animals. We shouldn’t kill them for our satisfaction! Killing animals is unnecessary because we can replace their fur on other, sometimes better materials made by people.

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