
Future Perfect in the Past

poleca 56% 126 głosów

Czas Future Perfect in the Past używany jest:

  • w trzecim trybie warunkowym w zdaniu nadrzędnym.
    • She would have written the report if she had time. (Napisałaby raport, gdyby miała czas.)
    • If I had learned more, I wouldn’t have had to take the exam once again. (Gdybym był się więcej uczył, nie musiałbym jeszcze raz podchodzić do tego egzaminu.)
    • They would have helped us if the had known we were in trouble. (Pomogliby nam, gdyby wiedzieli, że mamy problemy.)


podmiot + would + have + imiesłów bierny + reszta zdania

Odmiana czasowników w Future Perfect in the Past na przykładzie give
forma twierdząca forma przecząca forma pytająca
I would have given I would not (wouldn’t) have given Would I have given?
you would have given you would not (wouldn’t) have given Would you have given?
he would have given he would not (wouldn’t) have given Would he have given?
she she she
it it it
we would have given we would not (wouldn’t) have given Would we have given?
you you you
they they they
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