
Another, other, others, the other, the others

poleca 81% 93 głosów

  • another, other, others, the other, the others
    zaimek tłumaczenie występuje
    another inny, następny z rzeczownikiem z one lub samodzielnie
    Yesterday I was watching two dogs.One was running around a tree, another (one) was digging in the ground.
    other inni, inne z rzeczownikiem lub z ones
    Those jeans are too small. Could you show me some other jeans (ones)?
    others inni, inne samodzielnie
    Some people were sunbathing, others were swimming in the sea.
    the other ten drugi samodzielnie lub z one
    I have two friends – one is tall, the other (one) is small.
    the others tamci samodzielnie
    Our players were wearing red outfits and the others blue.
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