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A computer is necessary for college students for three reasons:

Nowadays we are bombarded with technology. Our parents and grandparents couldn't dream about devices like computer, cell-phones, video-games which are everywhere right now. Today computers with Internet access are almost in every home and it became essential tool for...


Dropping out of college. cause/effect essay

Everybody at least once in their lives thinks about who they will be in the future. Some people are successful because they have the motivation and determination to graduate college; others are less lucky because of their lack of those characteristics and...


Cell-phones while driving argumentative essay

Everyday people die in car accidents because they use cell phones while driving. According to research cell phones are leading factors that cause accidents. Studies show that a cell phone put drivers at a four time greater risk of a crush. Despite of a danger,...


Gallery report

Arriving to the Montclair University Art Gallery, outside of the building, my eye caught white sculptures. They were on the sidewalk. Looking on them from a distance they looked like they were a part of an urban environment. Their shapes expressed movements like they...


Which is the most difficult stage of life and why?

Along whole life person’s body is changing. However in adolescence changes become stronger. Most of the parents watch on development their child to properly teach him moral and ethic rules. Whereas the child by influence of environment not always respect taught him...


Omów problem poczucia odpowiedzialności, wykorzystując znane utwory literackie z różnych epok.

Słowem odpowiedzialność określa się według Słownika języka polskiego konieczność, obowiązek moralny lub prawny odpowiadania za swoje czyny i ponoszenia za nie konsekwencji. Kwestia ta interesowała artystów od zawsze, o czym świadczą liczne utwory na ten temat...


The differences between my brothers.

Everyone has one but no two people personalities are the same. Despite that we are raised with siblings all the same way in our cultural values, each of us behave and act different. In my essay, I will compare my two brothers’ personalities. The three differences...


Why consumerism/consumption is bad?

People always want to have newest things but they don’t look what are involved in producing these items. The consumption has been increasing in a couple decades and it is still growing up. It is time for people to think about the bad influence of consumerism and what...