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List formalny- uzyskiwanie informacji przed wyjazdem na studia do Wlk. Brytanii

Dear Sir, Madam On 2nd November I will start studying the painting at your University and I would like to ask about few important things. First of all, I would like to ask about the conditions of the accommodation. Could you tell me if...


List formalny-uzyskiwanie informacji o koncercie ulubionego wykonawcy

Dear Sir, Madam, Last time I was in England, I saw the leaflet which was informing about new Craig David's concert route. Unfortunately, there was no information about the most inportant things. First of all, I would like to know what is...


List nieformalny-doradzasz znajomemu w sprawie wakacji w ośrodku rekreacyjnym

Dear Stephen, I'm sorry I haven't written to you for such a long time but I was very busy. Anyway, thank you for your letter. I've found the leaflet from last years course in Merle Park and I'll try to help you. You asked me if I had had a good...



As the clock was striking midnight, there was a loud whisper at the door: ''Let me in!''. Carol was frightened; she remembered the announcer's report: he was talking about a very dangerous criminal who had already killed five people. She came to the door...


Recenzja serialu, który uważasz za wyjątkowo udany

Nowadays the television is one of the greatest sources of information and entertainment. Every day we can see a new production, some funny soap operas or a controvercial talk-show. But for me there is only one good production, titled "Gilmore Girls". It says...


Opis święta zagranicznego które ma duży wpływ na kulturę Polski

February 14 is known as St Valentine's Day. It is one of the most popular holidays and it has its origin in the USA. It is mainly observed by young people, who give symbolic gifts to people they love. They also send special greeting cards called...


A letter of complaint to Rigby Activity Camp

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you to express my anger and disappointment with the conditions of the Rigby Activity Camp. First of all, I would like to complain about the equipment. According to the leaflet, there...