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Letter to friend

Anne, How is it going? I am at summer camp in Mielenko now. And what are you doing? I spend my time very often in the swimming-pool or in the sea. The sea is colder than many other seas and oceans because there the weather is not as good as the weather in other...


Smoking in public places

Many people do not like when somebody is smoking close to them but some think that it does not matter. So is that a good idea to ban smoking in public places or not? To start with, cigarettes smoke may disturb other people. When a non-smoker person is compelled to...


Problem of drugs

Within the last twenty years drugs have become a very serious problem in Poland. Transformations connected with 'melting' the iron curtain brought to this country from the Western Europe and United States of America new trends and businesses. So did drugs. Prior to...



Marinizm - nurt literacki baroku Marinizm - nazwa ta pochodzi od nazwiska włoskiego pisarza Gianbattista Marino; marianizm to inaczej kwiecisty barok; odrzucał renesansową harmonię między treścią a formą i kładł nacisk na formę; lubował się w olśniewających...


Mistrz i Małgorzata

"Mistrz i Małgorzata" - motywy: odwagi, tchórzostwa i konformizmu; dobra i zła; prześladowań politycznych w Rosji Radzieckiej, życia w "komunistycznym raju"; roli artysty; mechanizmów władzy. Funkcja ideowa wątku biblijnego, motywu szatana i...


It was only a dream

It was happening two weeks ago. I was alone at home. I sat in my room and I watched TV. Suddenly I heard ring at the door. I rose and I slowly went to door, becouse film was very interesing. I opened the door. I saw a postman, whose gave me a telegram. I took it and...